
Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School 蜜豆视频in Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what鈥檚 going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


Spanish course in Peru and rock climbing!

Spanish course in Peru聽and Rock climbing! If you are interested in a special challenge in Peru this July, have a look at this: Spanish course in Peru聽and Rock climbing! 蜜豆视频 Cusco now offers the possibility to combine your Spanish classes in Cusco with […]


6 festivales que pondr谩n a Per煤 en tu mapa

6 festivales que pondr谩n a Per煤 en tu mapa Si hay algo que los peruanos saben hacer, es festejar. Con 3000 festivales que se celebran cada a帽o en Peru, el calendario peruano est谩 lleno de celebraciones – una explosi贸n de coloridos desfiles, m煤sica, bailes con […]


6 festivals die Peru voor jou op de kaart zullen zetten

6 festivals die Peru voor jou op de kaart zullen zetten Als er een ding is dat Peruanen kunnen doen, dan is het wel feesten. Met 3000 epische festivals per jaar, is de Peruaanse kalender vol met geweldige feesten 鈥� een explosie van kleurrijke parades, […]


6 Festivals that will put Peru on your Map

6 festivals that will put Peru on your map If there鈥檚 one thing Peruvians know how to do, it鈥檚 party. With an epic 3000 festivals held every year, the Peruvian calendar is packed with celebrations – an explosion of colourful parades, music, dancing in costume […]


Travel Kit of Paklijst voor studenten Spaans in Peru

Travel Kit of Paklijst voor studenten Spaans in Peru Ben je van plan om naar Cusco te komen om Spaans te leren in Peru? Geweldig! Wij kijken er naar uit om je te zien! Als je jezelf nu aan het voorbereiden bent voor je trip […]


Travel Kit for Spanish Students in Peru

Are you coming to Cusco to learn Spanish in Peru? Great! We are looking forward to seeing you! If you are now preparing your trip to Peru and you are thinking about whether or not to pack a certain item, here is this very useful […]


Mini Gids voor Cusco麓s Toeristen Ticket

Mini Gids voor Cusco麓s Toeristen Ticket Er zijn heel veel indrukwekkende dingen te zien en te doen in (de buurt van) Cusco 鈥� dit maakt Cusco ook zo鈥檔 geweldige bestemming voor Spaanse lessen in Peru. De oude hoofdstad van het Inca Rijk biedt mooie opties […]


La partida de Cusco a Puno y el Lago Titicaca

Despu茅s de haber pasado casi cinco meses en el Cusco aprendiendo el espa帽ol, para m铆 ya era hora de ir en busca de una nueva aventura. Decid铆 ir a Puno con un amigo de la casa, con quien hab铆a congeniado. Ya sabiendo la correcta ubicaci贸n […]


Heading from Cusco to Puno and Lake Titicaca

Heading from Cusco to Puno and Lake Titicaca After having spent almost five months (!) in Cusco learning Spanish, it was time to go on a new adventure. Together with a friend from home, who had just joined me, I decided to head to Puno. […]


5 consejos: C贸mo manejar tu dinero en Per煤

Vivir y viajar en el Per煤 es interesante en muchos aspectos No s贸lo es un pa铆s que ofrece un mont贸n de atractivos tur铆sticos, sino que tu propia vida cotidiana tambi茅n funciona un poco diferente que en casa. Cuando elijas Per煤 como destino para aprender espa帽ol, […]