
Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School Peru: AMAUTA

Spanish School ۶Ƶin Cusco, Peru is the best place to learn Spanish in Peru. We provide in-depth Spanish lessons in Cusco with a full cultural immersion experience. Step outside of the Spanish classroom to live the Peruvian life and culture and explore Peru.

During or after your Spanish lessons in Cusco, you can volunteer in Peru: make new friends, improve your Spanish and give back to the amazing Peruvian community.

We keep you posted about what’s going on at our Spanish School in Peru and provide you with tips to learn Spanish, how to make most out of your Spanish classes in Cusco, how to prepare for your trip to Peru, Peruvian cuisine or festivals, what to do in Cusco, and much more.


5 Amazing Bars and Restaurants you must visit in Cusco!

5 amazing Bars and Restaurants you must visit in Cusco. Cusco – the old Inca Capital and now a hot spot for travellers in Peru – is a city that has a lot to offer, especially with restaurants and bars. Because there is so much […]


Noah’s verhaal: over Spaans leren en vrijwilligerswerk in Peru

Noah’s verhaal: over Spaans leren en vrijwilligerswerk in Peru Vrijwilligerswerk, Spaans leren, reizen in Peru en het leven in het buitenland: dat zijn de ingrediënten van het spannende en interessante Vrijwilligersprogramma van ۶Ƶ in Cusco, Peru. De Nederlandse Noah was een van de […]


Noah’s story: About Learning Spanish & Volunteering in Peru

Volunteering, learning Spanish, traveling in Peru and living abroad: those are the ingredients of the exciting and interesting ۶ƵVolunteer Program in Cusco, Peru. The Dutch Noah was one of the participants this Spring 2016; she was with us in Cusco for almost two months […]


Zeven vragen die ik mijzelf blijf stellen sinds mijn aankomst in Cusco

Zeven vragen die ik mijzelf blijf stellen sinds mijn aankomst in Cusco Sinds ik aangekomen ben in Cusco voor mijn Spaanse programma in Peru, is er een aantal vragen die ik mijzelf in gedachten maar blijf stellen. Wil je weten welke? Lees mijn verhaal! Waarom […]


Mijn geheime plekje in Cusco

Mijn geheime plekje in Cusco Hoeveel artikelen heb je gelezen met de “Top 10 Spots in Cusco”, toen je jezelf aan het voorbereiden was voor je Peruaanse avontuur en Spaanse cursus in Cusco? De meeste laten een lijst zien met de meest bekende ruines, kerken […]


Semana Santa is coming up!

Why not come to learn Spanish in Peru in March or April?  During this time you will be able to witness a fascinating festival in the city of Cusco that combines Andean and Christian traditions: Semana Santa. The Holy Week in the ancient centre of the […]


Seven questions I continue to ask myself since arriving in Cusco

Seven questions I continue to ask myself since arriving in Cusco Every since I arrived in Cusco for my Spanish Immersion Program in Peru, there are some questions that keep coming up and some thoughts that I continue to ask myself since arriving in Cusco. […]


My Secret Spot in Cusco

My Secret Spot in Cusco. How many articles in travel books have you read on the “Top 10 sites” in Cusco, while you were preparing your trip for your Spanish immersion course in Peru? Most of them feature a list of the most famous and […]


Carnaval Craziness in Cusco

Every year, Carnaval is celebrated throughout Peru during the month of February. This means that people run around spraying each other with shaving cream and dousing each other with buckets of water. Just this past weekend, some of our students learning Spanish in Peru got […]


Lo que Wikipedia no te puede decir sobre bailar en Cusco

Una gran cantidad de personas – viajeros, estudiantes de español, voluntarios, turistas vienen a Cusco pensando “no puedo bailar”. Afortunadamente, muchos de ellos también piensan, “Estoy en un nuevo país – ¿por qué no probar algo nuevo?” Bailar en Perú no es sólo una cosa […]